Bred by & co-owned with Carol R. Titus - Steelcrest Shibas Thank you Carol for such a wonderful friend.
Kiri at 13+ years. ~ Dec. 2004
Kiri at 16 waiting for breakfast
3-21-08 hanging out with Bubba Louie
Kiri sharing the dog bed with her buddy Venge ~ 1-8-08
Kiri Te was the resident watchdog. She considered herself the leader of the Siberians and kept them all in line. Kiri never cared much for the show ring, those little "red" dogs made her nervous. She preferred her Siberian friends over the Shibas. How quickly the time passes.
Kiri doing the Shiba dance with Samiq. 1994
Producer of:
Red Sesame female Foundation Stock DOB 10-21-91 Mitsuryu of Bingo Nakayama Sow Tetsuryu of Hikari Kaidasow Kuokihime of Koukaida Sow CH. STEELCREST'S ONE GUN SALUTE Shishimaru of Hikumano CH. OYOME OF SEIKOEN Kiyoichihime of Seikoen Steelcrest's Kire Te Hachioh of Ryokushinsow Hachiohmaru of Seikoen Minoichihime of Seikoen Steelcrest's Taira Shishimaru of Hikumano Benihime of Seikoen Ayaichime of Seikoen
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